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Work with a Birmingham DUI attorney.

You have seen them before. Police set up their camp on a certain street or section of the road, systematically stopping drivers and asking them some routine questions. While sobriety checkpoints may seem more like a hassle than a threat, they can easily turn your life upside down with the wrong move.

If you have been arrested for DUI after going through a sobriety checkpoint in the Birmingham area, you need to reach out to Tidwell Law Group, LLC right away for counsel. We understand how intimidating it can be to go through such a situation, which is why we are here to stand up for your rights and defend your reputation. Our legal team is not afraid to challenge sobriety checkpoint arrests and will go above and beyond to safeguard our clients from serious charges.

Don’t wait to get the support you need! Call us at or use our online contact form for legal guidance.

What should I expect at a sobriety checkpoint?

In Alabama, checkpoints are considered legal under the state’s interpretation of the federal Constitution. While some states have recognized the questionable nature of such checkpoints, eventually banning them, Alabama enacts these police roadblocks throughout the year. If pulled over at a checkpoint, you should expect police to ask you several questions, including whether or not you have had alcohol.
The following are common occasions when sobriety checkpoints are set up:

Field Sobriety Tests

The Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST) consists of up 3 tests:

Even if an officer stops you at a sobriety checkpoint, they must still have reasonable cause to question you further than normal or charge you with DUI. If they do not have proper evidence or cause to ask you to take a breath test or other type of chemical test, the results may be thrown out or ruled as inadmissible in court. However, without the knowledge of being able to distinguish permissible action with violating action by police, it will be challenging for you to protect your rights. That is where our Birmingham DUI defense lawyer comes in.

Contact us to schedule your free consultation with a seasoned, dedicated professional from our firm.

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