Breath & Blood Tests

Fierce & Effective Representation

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Fight your DUI charges today!

The Birmingham DUI defense attorney at our firm brings over 17 years of experience and a proven track record to every case we handle. Whether you are facing your first DUI offense or your fourth, we are prepared to provide the aggressive and dedicated defense you need. No matter what the circumstances are, it is crucial that you get legal counsel on your side.
Even if you believe you are innocent or the test was given incorrectly, it will be hard to prove this in court, especially when it is your word against an officer’s. With the right legal team on your side, your chances of having your case dropped or charges dismissed greatly increase. Alabama has complex laws on chemical tests, making it essential for you to have experienced counsel. When you work with us, we never back down until the best possible outcome has been secured.

Can I refuse to take a breath or blood test?

In the state of Alabama, there is an implied consent law. What does this mean? Basically, whenever you get into a vehicle and driving on a public road, you agree to take a chemical test for determining your BAC if an officer has reasonable grounds to pull you over and request it.
If you refuse, your license will automatically be suspended for 90 days. If it is a second or third offense, your license will be suspended for a minimum of one full year. Furthermore, your refusal may be used as evidence against you in court, giving the prosecution a strong attack.

Defenses Against Chemical Tests

Many people are concerned about consenting to a breath, blood, or urine test, believing that it may lead to an automatic conviction, however, even these chemical tests can be challenged.
Our firm can use the following issues to build your defense:
We will carefully review your situation to determine if any of the above apply to your case. If so, we may be able to get your charges dropped, dismissed, or reduced. Breath and blood tests are extremely sensitive and should only be given by officers that know what they are doing and how to obtain accurate results. If an arresting officer waits too long to administer a test, your BAC may rise, not giving an accurate read for your BAC at the actual time of driving. Any number of errors could occur when handling chemical tests.
Think your test results are inaccurate or were handling incorrectly? Contact our firm today to discuss your case. We offer free case evaluations!

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More than 17 Years of Legal Experience


Fully-Committed to Excellence, and Getting the Best Results


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Licensed in All Alabama Districts, Circuits, & Federal Courts